
   The main tasks of the National Adaptation Center (NAC) are the following: helping the strategic planning in the fields of

a) reducing greenhouse gas emissions (climate change mitigation by the National Decarbonisation Roadmap);
b) adaptation to the expected impacts of climate change (by the National Adaptation Geo-information System and the National Adaptation Strategy).

    Further tasks are

c) elaboration of the Second Hungarian Climate Change Strategy (NCCS-2) built on the aforementioned plans; and
d) development of the implementation program for the NCCS-2. Another important activity of the NAC is to support local level strategic planning both in the fields of mitigation and adaptation.

Communication with stakeholders (economic actors, scientists, municipalities, civil society etc.), using the results of public debate as input for planning and awareness-raising play a basic role in realizing these tasks.


Click the sub-menus of the 'Projects' menu above for further information.




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